Everything you need to know about Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient style of yoga but is relatively new to the Western culture, gaining momentum in recent years due to its attraction to celebrities such as Russell Brand, Demi Moore, and Miranda Kerr, and modern spiritual guides like Gabrielle Bernstein. It is known as "the yoga of awareness," encouraging you to open your heart, build strength and release the energy located at the base of your spine. Kundalini Yoga and Meditation is without a doubt one of the more spiritual styles of yoga, designed to allow students to live a conscious and connected life. It is also one of the most powerful forms of yoga that comes with a few warnings along the way. Read below to get the full run down on this amazing practice!

Erin O’Hara in Sat Kriya

Where did Kundalini Yoga originate from? 

Kundalini is one of the oldest forms of yoga – it has been practiced by the Upanishads in India since 500 B.C. Mastering the practice at sixteen, Yogi Bhajan brought Kundalini to the West in 1969. Initially, Kundalini Yoga was carefully handed down from master to disciple for centuries and was kept very secret. It was never taught publicly until Yogi Bhajan challenged its secrecy and taught Kundalini Yoga openly to the public in 1969. Kundalini Yoga is now accessible to the modern day householder and is practiced by spiritual seekers all over the world.

What is ‘Kundalini’?

Kundalini is the creative energy within all of us, the energy of consciousness in each person and beyond.  The Kundalini energy is “coiled” at the bottom of the spine, and practicing Kundalini yoga, is said to bring that energy to life in the body. All forms of yoga work with Kundalini energy, however Kundalini Yoga specifically offers a ‘fast track’ way to awaken this energy and transform your life.

Erin O’Hara in Ego Eradicator

What are the benefits of Kundalini? 

The comprehensive technology of Kundalini Yoga is thousands of years old and ideally suited to people who lead active lives in today's world.  The focus is on balancing the glandular system, strengthening the 72,000 nerves of the body, and bringing the body, mind and soul into balance.

Some key benefits include:

  • Balancing nervous, glandular, and immune systems

  • Developing the neutral mind to cope with stress and change

  • Creating self-awareness to enhance peace of mind, concentration, and self-confidence

  • Rejuvenation and healing

  • Improving flexibility, stamina, and strength

  • Experiencing your highest consciousness

  • Remaining calm, centered, and clear through life’s challenges

  • Energising your magnetic field

Kundalini Yoga is highly transformative and releases deeply held issues whether body or mind.  Although it is physically challenging, it cannot really be practiced as a purely physical exercise.

How does Kundalini differ to other more known/popular forms of yoga?

Vinyasa is still undeniably the king of western yoga, but Kundalini tends to appeal to people who want to delve into a deep meditative and spiritual practice to raise consciousness. In Kundalini Yoga, you won’t flow through sun salutations or find people jumping into handstand. Instead, it combines movement, breathing exercises, chanting (yes, actual singing), meditation, and physical sequences called kriyas.

Kundalini yoga is a quick and powerful system to cause changes you want in your life to happen much quicker than other styles of yoga. In Kundalini Yoga, there is no need to take oneself away from the distractions of the world – it is designed for the active householder with family, school and work responsibilities.  It is a safe way to stimulate the body’s natural resources and energy to bring the body, mind and spirit into alignment.  It is a proven path to connect with the Self and the Soul to experience your highest destiny.

What should I expect in a Kundalini Yoga class?

Kundalini yoga varies from practice to practice. All classes will begin with an opening chant “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” to connect with your inner self, a yoga set (kriya), and expect to finish with deep meditation, and a closing chant. During the class you can expect to focus on your breath (specifically "breath of fire", a rapid rhythmical breath through the nose) and to move your body. Within a class or practice, you will find asana (body postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), mudra (hand positions), bandha (body locks), drishti (eye focus) and mantra (sound currents).  They are combined together in sequences called kriya (complete actions).  Kundalini Yoga has the power to unleash your true potential, and unlock barriers within ourselves.

Discover the magic of Kundalini Yoga for yourself! Sign up for your free 30 day trial here.


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