The most common misconceptions about Yoga - and Kundalini Yoga

As one of the few Kundalini yoga teachers in New Zealand, I am often approached by people with a certain amount of caution, hesitation, and questioning about Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini Yoga is relatively new to the west so there is a very limited knowledge of the practice. People regularly ask - “What is this style of yoga you teach?” and “I’ve heard that people can lose their minds practicing your style of yoga” and “You better be careful. Are you sure that Kundalini yoga is safe?” Below I share the common misconceptions I have heard over the years as a Kundalini Yoga teacher and Yoga studio owner!

Yoga is religious.

Yoga belongs to no religion.  It is simply a practice to bring you awareness and connection to your inner self.  Anyone can do yoga. 

You have to be (a certain way) to practice yoga. 

Yoga is a practice for anyone whether you are not flexible, not strong, overweight, young or old – it is yoga practice not yoga perfect.  If you are nervous about starting yoga then start with a beginner’s class or workshop.

To do yoga, you have to do physical poses. 

Actually, the term yoga means “union” so besides the common asana practice yoga includes pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation, service (karma yoga), and contemplation of yogic philosophy (jnana yoga) – and many more….

Yoga is dangerous. 

Yoga doesn’t hurt people it is usually people that hurt people by stretching too deep or poor adjustments. Know your body and you listen to your limits. Be gentle and allow your Ego to step to the side. 

Yoga is easy and girly.

Many men have admitted that they hold this belief, until they come to a class and realize what yoga really is.  There are many styles of yoga from “easy” passive restorative classes like yin and restorative, to physically intense classes like Vinyasa, Ashtanga, or Kundalini Yoga that have you sweating and working physically hard. 

Yoga people are all vegetarians, hippies, minimalists, or super flexible. 

Yoga is really for anyone who strives to be mindful and want to live a healthy, happy, and relaxed life.

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Creating a Scared Space


Everything you need to know about Kundalini Yoga